7 Great Tips On Increasing Productivity Levels

7 great tips

7 Great Tips For Budding Entrepreneurs

By Staff Writerécoute moi

Are you struggling to get things done? Do you have goals you just can’t seem to achieve? Do you feel you’re falling behind? It is important to be productive to be able to get the most out of life.

7 Great Tips To Increase Productivity!!

1) Start to plan out your week in advance, take some time out to configure what you need to get done that week and schedule in a time to get it done during the period you want to.

2) Turn off all distractions. Mobile phones can hinder your productivity and actually getting things done. Many people spend hours scrolling through FB or Instagram. At the end of the day this is not going to get you to your end goal unless you’re making a living from this. So put your phone to the side, work for an hour and then have 10 minutes on social media perhaps and then a short break, repeat the process till you’ve achieved your goals for that day.

3) Take regular short breaks and a few longer breaks during the course of the day.

4) Interrupt the routine go for a 30 minute walk during the day where you can gather your thoughts and feel the fresh air, cold, sun or rain on your face depending on where you are in the world. Its great to feel alive..

5) Switch from sitting at a desk to standing and working. Its not natural for humans to be sat down in one place for prolonged periods.

6) Get up early and get to work whilst others sleep. If you start working earlier in the day you will find that you often get more tasks completed.

7) Spend time for yourself, meditate, pray, relax, get that me time and relax your mind.